Gautam Gambhir May Axe Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma After Becoming India Head Coach

Gautam Gambhir head coach India :A new report suggests that former Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir is set to become the next head coach of the Indian cricket team, potentially replacing Rahul Dravid after the 2024 T20 World Cup. The report indicates that Gambhir has laid down several conditions for accepting the role, which could lead to significant changes in the team’s structure and lineup.

A new report suggests Gautam Gambhir may become the next India head coach, proposing significant changes, including potentially dropping senior players like Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. Discover the full story.

Gambhir’s Conditions for the Head Coach Position

According to the report by Navbharat Times, Gambhir met with the BCCI’s Cricket Administrative Committee (CAC) and presented five key conditions for his acceptance of the head coach position:

  1. Full Control Over Cricket Operations: Gambhir insists on having complete control over all cricket operations for the Indian team. This would grant him significant authority in decision-making processes related to team strategies and management.
  2. Selection of Support Staff: Gambhir wants the liberty to choose his own support staff. The current support staff includes Vikram Rathour as the batting coach, Paras Mhambrey as the bowling coach, and T Dilip as the fielding coach.
  3. Performance-Based Player Retention: Perhaps the most controversial of his conditions, Gambhir has proposed that senior players like Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Ravindra Jadeja, and Mohammed Shami be dropped if they fail to perform in the upcoming Champions Trophy 2025 in Pakistan.

ALSO READGautam Gambhir to Replace Rahul Dravid as India’s Head Coach – Shocking Move by BCCI!

  1. Separate Test Cricket Team: Gambhir advocates for a dedicated team for Test cricket, which would allow for specialized preparation and strategies for the longest format of the game.
  2. Roadmap for 2027 ODI World Cup: He wants to start preparing a comprehensive roadmap for the 2027 ODI World Cup from the very beginning, ensuring a well-planned approach to the tournament.

Gambhir’s Response to Coaching Speculations

When recently asked about his prospects of becoming the head coach of the Indian cricket team, Gambhir remained non-committal. He stated, “I don’t see that far ahead. You are grilling me, asking me all tough questions. It is difficult to answer right now. All I can say right now is that I am happy being here. Just finished a brilliant journey with Kolkata Knight Riders, let’s enjoy that. I am in a very happy space right now.”

The Implications of Gambhir’s Conditions

If Gambhir’s conditions are accepted, it could lead to a major overhaul in the Indian cricket team’s dynamics. The potential exclusion of high-profile players like Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma, based on performance metrics, could be a bold move aimed at fostering a culture of accountability and excellence. Additionally, his emphasis on having a separate Test team and a long-term plan for the 2027 ODI World Cup underscores his strategic vision for Indian cricket.

Reactions from the Cricketing Community

The cricketing community is abuzz with reactions to the news. Supporters of Gambhir believe that his no-nonsense approach and emphasis on performance could bring much-needed discipline and focus to the team. Critics, however, argue that the proposed changes might disrupt team harmony and question the feasibility of dropping seasoned players who have been pivotal to India’s success.


As the discussions between Gambhir and the BCCI continue, the cricketing world waits with bated breath to see if these proposed changes will come to fruition. If Gambhir does take over as head coach, Indian cricket could be on the brink of a transformative phase.

ALSO READGautam Gambhir to Revolutionize Indian Cricket as New Head Coach – Separate Teams Confirmed!

FAQs : Gautam Gambhir head coach India

1. Who is Gautam Gambhir?

Gautam Gambhir is a former Indian cricketer and current politician. He played as a left-handed opening batsman for the Indian national team and was known for his aggressive playing style and crucial contributions in major tournaments.

2. Why is Gautam Gambhir being considered for the head coach position?

Gambhir is being considered due to his extensive experience in cricket, his strategic acumen, and his previous success as a player and captain in the Indian Premier League (IPL) with the Kolkata Knight Riders.

3. What conditions has Gambhir proposed for becoming the head coach?

Gambhir has proposed five conditions: full control over cricket operations, selection of his own support staff, performance-based retention of senior players, a separate team for Test cricket, and starting preparations for the 2027 ODI World Cup.

4. Which senior players might be dropped under Gambhir’s plan?

Gambhir has indicated that senior players like Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Ravindra Jadeja, and Mohammed Shami might be dropped if they fail to perform in the upcoming Champions Trophy 2025.

5. What is Gambhir’s vision for the Indian cricket team?

Gambhir aims to foster a culture of accountability and excellence, ensuring that performance is the key criterion for team selection. He also wants to have specialized teams for different formats and a long-term roadmap for major tournaments.

6. How has the cricketing community reacted to this news?

The reactions are mixed. Some support Gambhir’s no-nonsense approach and focus on performance, while others are concerned about the potential disruption to team harmony and the exclusion of experienced players.

7. Who is the current head coach of the Indian cricket team?

As of now, Rahul Dravid is the head coach of the Indian cricket team. His tenure is set to end after the 2024 T20 World Cup.

8. What is the role of the BCCI’s Cricket Administrative Committee (CAC)?

The CAC is responsible for the selection and appointment of key coaching and administrative roles within Indian cricket. They play a crucial role in evaluating and interviewing candidates for the head coach position.

9. What impact could Gambhir’s conditions have on Indian cricket?

If implemented, Gambhir’s conditions could lead to a more performance-oriented team, potentially increasing competition and accountability. However, it might also lead to tension within the team if senior players are dropped.

10. Has Gambhir coached before?

While Gambhir has not officially coached an international team, he has significant experience as a captain in the IPL, where he led the Kolkata Knight Riders to two championship victories.

11. What is the importance of having control over cricket operations?

Having control over cricket operations would allow Gambhir to implement his strategies and vision without interference, ensuring that team decisions align with his coaching philosophy.

12. Why does Gambhir want a separate team for Test cricket?

A separate team for Test cricket would allow for specialized preparation and strategies tailored specifically for the longest format of the game, potentially improving India’s performance in Test matches.

13. What does starting preparations for the 2027 ODI World Cup entail?

Starting preparations for the 2027 ODI World Cup involves planning long-term strategies, identifying and grooming young talents, and ensuring the team is well-prepared for the tournament through consistent performance and development.

14. How might Gambhir’s condition on performance-based player retention affect team morale?

While it could motivate players to perform consistently, it might also create pressure and insecurity among senior players, affecting team morale and cohesion.

15. What are the potential benefits of Gambhir choosing his own support staff?

Choosing his own support staff would allow Gambhir to work with individuals who share his vision and coaching philosophy, leading to a more cohesive and efficient coaching unit.

16. How does Gambhir’s potential appointment align with his current role in politics?

Gambhir’s involvement in cricket coaching would require balancing his political commitments. However, his deep passion for cricket might see him prioritize the coaching role if given the opportunity.

17. What has been Rahul Dravid’s contribution as head coach?

Rahul Dravid has been instrumental in nurturing young talent and bringing a disciplined approach to the team. His tenure has focused on building a strong foundation for the future.

18. What are the key challenges Gambhir might face as head coach?

Key challenges include managing team dynamics, handling the pressure of high expectations, dealing with media scrutiny, and making tough decisions regarding player selections and performance evaluations.

19. How does the cricketing world view Gambhir’s leadership style?

Gambhir is known for his aggressive and straightforward leadership style. While some admire his clarity and decisiveness, others find it too rigid and demanding.

20. What could be the long-term impact of Gambhir’s coaching on Indian cricket?

If successful, Gambhir’s coaching could instill a culture of performance and accountability, leading to sustained success for Indian cricket. However, it also carries the risk of creating divisions within the team if not managed carefully.

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