Shocking Details Revealed! Modi’s Star-Studded Oath Ceremony – Guess Who’s Attending?

Modi oath ceremony : The grandeur of Indian politics will once again be on full display today as Prime Minister Narendra Modi prepares to take the oath of office at the Rashtrapati Bhawan at 7:15 PM. The ceremony marks the beginning of Modi’s new term after a victorious election, and it will be attended by a host of international dignitaries and thousands of guests.

Shocking Details Revealed! Modi’s Star-Studded Oath Ceremony – Guess Who’s Attending?


Discover who’s attending Prime Minister Narendra Modi's grand oath-taking ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhawan today. Exclusive insights on guests, security, and more. Don’t miss out on the details!

Preparations at the Rashtrapati Bhawan

Preparations are in full swing at the Rashtrapati Bhawan with arrangements being made to accommodate over 8,000 guests. A video released by the official YouTube channel of the President of India shows the extensive efforts being undertaken to prepare the venue for the prestigious event.

Guest List Includes Global Leaders

The ceremony will witness the presence of key figures from the international community, signifying India’s strong diplomatic ties. Confirmed attendees include:

  • Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka
  • Mohamed Muizzu, President of Maldives
  • Ahmed Afif, Vice-President of Seychelles
  • Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh
  • Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, Prime Minister of Nepal
  • Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Prime Minister of Mauritius
  • Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of Bhutan

These leaders’ participation highlights the event’s importance and its impact on regional politics and diplomacy.

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Traffic Arrangements and Security Measures

In anticipation of the large gathering and to ensure smooth proceedings, extensive traffic diversions and security measures are in place. DCP Traffic Police Prashant Gautam detailed the arrangements, noting that approximately 1,100 police officials will be deployed. Traffic advisories have been issued, with restricted entry around Rashtrapati Bhawan from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM today.

Residents and visitors in Delhi are advised to check the traffic advisories and plan their movements accordingly to avoid inconveniences.

A Momentous Occasion

This oath-taking ceremony is not just a procedural event but a reaffirmation of the democratic values that govern India. It is a day of celebration and solemnity, marking the start of a new chapter in the nation’s governance under Narendra Modi’s leadership. The presence of a new Council of Ministers, who will also take their oaths today, indicates fresh strategies and commitments towards the country’s development and international relations.

Live Coverage and Public Participation

For those unable to attend, the ceremony will be broadcast live on several platforms, including national broadcasters and digital media, ensuring that citizens across India and around the world can witness this significant event.

As the preparations meet their final touches, the nation waits with bated breath to watch their leader swear in, promising to steer the country towards progress and prosperity in the years to come.

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FAQ: Narendra Modi’s Oath-Taking Ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhawan

1. What time is Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony scheduled to begin?

  • The ceremony is scheduled to start at 7:15 PM IST.

2. Where is the oath-taking ceremony taking place?

  • The ceremony will be held at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.

3. How many guests are expected to attend the ceremony?

  • Over 8,000 guests are expected to be present.

4. Can the public attend the oath-taking ceremony?

  • Due to space and security constraints, the public cannot attend but can watch live broadcasts.

5. Which international leaders are attending the ceremony?

  • Leaders including the President of Sri Lanka, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, and the Prime Minister of Nepal, among others, will be present.

6. Will there be increased security at the event?

  • Yes, extensive security measures are in place, with over 1,100 police officials on duty.

7. Are there any traffic restrictions in New Delhi due to the ceremony?

  • Yes, significant traffic diversions and restrictions are around Rashtrapati Bhawan from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

8. Where can I watch the ceremony if I’m not attending?

  • The ceremony will be broadcast live on national television and streamed on official digital platforms.

9. Who is organizing the ceremony?

  • The ceremony is organized by the President’s office with coordination across various government departments.

10. Will Narendra Modi announce his cabinet during the ceremony? – The new Council of Ministers will also take their oaths during this ceremony, but specific portfolios are usually announced later.

11. How long will the ceremony last? – The ceremony is expected to last for about an hour.

12. What should guests wear to the ceremony? – Guests are typically expected to wear formal attire.

13. Will there be any cultural performances at the ceremony? – Details on cultural performances have not been specified, but such ceremonies typically include cultural elements.

14. How can international viewers watch the ceremony? – International viewers can watch the ceremony through various diplomatic channels and online streaming services.

15. What measures are being taken for the safety of international dignitaries? – Special security arrangements and protocols are in place for the safety of all dignitaries.

16. Is there an official photographer or can guests take photos? – Official photographers will be present, and guests are usually allowed to take photos unless otherwise specified.

17. Will traffic be affected the next day as well? – No, the traffic restrictions are only for the day of the ceremony.

18. Who can I contact for more information on the event? – For more information, you can visit the official Rashtrapati Bhawan website or contact their helpdesk.

19. Will the ceremony be affected by weather conditions? – The ceremony is planned with weather considerations in mind and will go ahead unless there is severe weather.

20. Are there any special arrangements for people with disabilities attending the ceremony? – Yes, there are provisions to accommodate guests with disabilities to ensure accessibility.

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