PM Narendra Modi on Ram Temple: A Symbol of Unity and Century-Long Sacrifice

Narendra Modi Ram Temple Interview : In a profound conversation with the New York-based Newsweek magazine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delved into the intricate fabric of India’s national ethos, touching upon several pivotal issues, including India’s diplomatic relations, and the historic inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.

PM Narendra Modi on Ram Temple: A Symbol of Unity and Century-Long Sacrifice

Discover Prime Minister Narendra Modi's insights on the Ram Temple's significance, India's relations with China and Pakistan, and the Quad grouping in an exclusive interview with Newsweek. Explore how the temple symbolizes unity and centuries of perseverance for India.

A Glimpse into India’s Soul: The Ram Temple

Prime Minister Modi expressed that the essence of Lord Ram’s life and teachings profoundly shapes India’s civilization and collective consciousness. The recent inauguration of the Ram Temple, according to PM Modi, was not just an event but a historic moment symbolizing unity and the culmination of centuries of perseverance and sacrifice. “The return of Shri Ram to his birthplace was a moment of unprecedented unity for the nation, representing the patience and devotion of 1.4 billion Indians,” Modi stated, reflecting on the ceremony that lit up the country in celebration.

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The Ceremony: A National Celebration

The grand inauguration, attended by thousands from various walks of life, signified a momentous occasion, despite the absence of opposition party members who cited political concerns. Modi emphasized the spiritual and national significance of the event, likening it to a second Diwali, illuminating every home with the light of ‘Ram Jyoti’. “It was a divine blessing to represent the collective spirit and aspirations of our nation at such a pivotal moment,” Modi added.

Supreme Court’s Role in Ayodhya Dispute

Highlighting the Supreme Court’s landmark verdict in 2019, which paved the way for the temple’s construction while ensuring a separate plot for a mosque, Modi pointed to the judicial process as a testament to India’s democratic values and rule of law. This decision marked the end of a protracted legal and social dispute, opening a new chapter of harmony and unity.

On Peaceful Relations and Regional Stability

Addressing other critical aspects of India’s geopolitical stance, PM Modi underscored the importance of peaceful relations with neighboring countries, including China and Pakistan. Amidst ongoing border tensions with China, he advocated for urgent resolution and stabilization, emphasizing peace’s significance for regional and global stability. “Stable and peaceful relations between India and China are crucial not just for us but for the entire world,” Modi remarked, expressing hope for positive diplomatic and military engagements.

The Quad Grouping and Regional Prosperity

Turning to the Quad grouping, comprising the US, Australia, Japan, and India, Modi clarified that its intent is not against any nation but to foster peace, security, and prosperity in the region. His commitment to advancing a terror-free and violence-free atmosphere highlights India’s dedication to regional and global peace.

PM Modi’s Vision for India and Beyond

Through his interview with Newsweek, Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented a vision of India that is deeply rooted in its ancient traditions yet firmly aligned with contemporary global realities. Whether it’s through the lens of spiritual heritage with the Ram Temple’s inauguration or through the pragmatic approach towards international relations, Modi’s narrative underscores a journey of unity, peace, and progress.

As India strides forward, the story of the Ram Temple remains a beacon of the nation’s undying spirit and collective resolve, symbolizing much more than a religious monument—it stands as a testament to India’s age-old civilization and its ethos of harmony and sacrifice.

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FAQs: PM Narendra Modi’s Interview with Newsweek on Ram Temple and Diplomatic Relations

What did PM Narendra Modi say about the Ram Temple in Ayodhya?

PM Narendra Modi described the Ram Temple in Ayodhya as a culmination of centuries of sacrifice and perseverance. He emphasized that the temple’s inauguration marked a historic moment of unity for the nation, reflecting the revered place Lord Ram holds in the hearts of Indians.

How does PM Modi view India’s relations with China?

PM Modi highlighted the importance of peaceful and stable relations between India and China, not just for the two countries but for the entire world. He expressed hope for resolving border issues through positive bilateral engagement, aiming to restore peace and tranquility.

What are PM Modi’s thoughts on the Quad grouping?

PM Modi stated that the Quad grouping, which includes the United States, Australia, Japan, and India, is not aimed against any country. Instead, it seeks to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

Did PM Modi discuss India’s stance towards Pakistan?

Yes, PM Modi mentioned that he congratulated the prime minister of Pakistan upon taking office and reiterated India’s commitment to advancing peace, security, and prosperity in the region in an atmosphere free from terror and violence.

Can you tell us more about the significance of the Ram Temple according to PM Modi?

PM Modi elaborated on the spiritual and cultural significance of the Ram Temple, noting that Lord Ram’s life and values are deeply imprinted in India’s civilization. The temple’s inauguration is seen as a divine event that united the country in celebration, symbolizing the fulfillment of the aspirations of countless devotees.


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