Telangana | Free bus travel to women and enhancement of Arogyasri coverage to ₹10 lakh from Dec. 9

Telangana | Free bus travel to women and enhancement of Arogyasri coverage to ₹10 lakh from Dec. 9

Telangana | Free bus travel to women and enhancement of Arogyasri coverage to ₹10 lakh from Dec. 9 : The newly formed Congress government in Telangana, led by Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, has hit the ground running by affirming their commitment to delivering on the promises made to the public during the election campaign.

In a recent Cabinet meeting held following the swearing-in ceremony of the Chief Minister and his Council of Ministers, significant decisions were made to implement various assurances given to the citizens.

Telangana | Free bus travel to women and enhancement of Arogyasri coverage to ₹10 lakh from Dec. 9

One of the primary announcements made by the State Cabinet is the initiation of Telangana | Free bus travel to women, set to commence from December 9, which coincides with the birthday of senior Congress leader Sonia Gandhi. Alongside this, the government has resolved to enhance the coverage under the Arogyasri health insurance scheme to ₹10 lakh, providing substantial healthcare support to the people.

Moreover, the Cabinet discussed the issue of crop loss resulting from the recent cyclone. Ministers D. Sridhar Babu and Ponnam Prabhakar conveyed that officials and district Ministers have been tasked with assessing the damages to standing crops. Subsequent actions to compensate for the losses will be determined based on the reports submitted after the ground-level assessment.

Addressing the matter of providing investment support to farmers, Mr. Sridhar Babu affirmed that departments concerned have been instructed to furnish comprehensive information regarding the scheme. Additionally, the government aims to initiate steps toward implementing the promised ₹2 lakh crop loan waiver for farmers after a thorough analysis of the financial situation and exploring viable resource mobilization strategies.

Highlighting alleged inadequacies in the implementation of schemes by the previous government, Mr. Sridhar Babu pointed out that detailed reports from officials are requested to address these issues effectively.

The Cabinet meeting, lasting for over three hours, centered predominantly on the six promises made by the Congress party before the elections. The new administration appears determined to fulfill these commitments, aligning their actions with the aspirations of the citizens who voted them into power.

With these developments, the Congress government is signaling its intent to proactively address key concerns and work towards delivering on their electoral pledges, aiming to bring tangible change and progress for the people of Telangana.

This article is based on the recent announcements made by the Telangana State Cabinet.


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